Way of the Hunt
Begun Training to Skilled
Take time to study common biology, find where striking would be most effective on targets of your own species.
1 Day Cooldown
With a partner, willing or not, perform a takedown.
1 Day Cooldown
Study the Shili and their hunter-gatherer lifestyle to get a better understanding of the form and its mentality.
1 Day Cooldown
Find a reliable way to strike those of your own species, to disable them in one or two actions.
1 Day Cooldown
Let another practicioner of the style take you down so you are aware of what you do to others.
1 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Take time to study common biology, find where striking would be most effective on other humanoid species (at least 3 different species).
4 Day Cooldown
Strike down a humanoid target, by the use of pressure points.
4 Day Cooldown
Kill a target in the quickest, and thus most humane way you can. As a hunter would prey to minimize suffering on its behalf.
4 Day Cooldown
Put the techniques to good use, win a fight against another martial artist.
4 Day Cooldown
Win in a legitimate combat encounter against a bloodlusted opponent.
4 Day Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Take time to study biology, find where striking would be most effective on a rare/unusual species of your choice.
1 Week Cooldown
Take down a member of the species you studied, with the knowledge acquired.
1 Week Cooldown
Fight a user of Korun Hand-to-Hand Combat, Way of the Rancor, or Mandalorian Hand-to-Hand Combat, and win. Prove that brute force is not all.
1 Week Cooldown
Disable an opponent through the use of pressure points without harming them.
1 Week Cooldown
Disable an enemy through a sneak attack, in one action.
1 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Travel to Shili and spend time with its people, learn their culture first-hand to better understand the technique.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equal skilled martial artist by the use of Way of the Hunt.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat a user of Teräs Käsi, Echani Hand-to-Hand Combat, or Way of the Divto, in a legitimate combat encounter.
3 Week Cooldown
Strike down a powerful member of a studied species in a legitimate combat encounter using Way of the Hunt.
3 Week Cooldown
Teach someone Way of the Hunt to the level of Skilled.
3 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
With terrifying efficiency, disable two peer martial artists with Way of the Hunt.
6 Week Cooldown
In a legitimate combat encounter, defeat an opponent with Beyond Peak Human Durability or higher by using Way of the Hunt.
6 Week Cooldown
Beat an equal tiered practitioner of another efficient/systematic Hand-to-Hand style, such as Way of the Rancor, Korun, Nagai, or Sangheili Hand-to-Hand Combat in a fight.
6 Week Cooldown
Kill a Raxshir with Way of the Hunt alone.
6 Week Cooldown
Travel back to Shili, and learn the forbidden technique of Index Stabbing.
6 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Kill an equal-tiered opponent in one strike using Index Stabbing.
9 Week Cooldown
Control an equal-tiered player character's movement through pressure points.
9 Week Cooldown
Identify the pressure points and weaknesses of a species you have never seen before in mid-combat with said individual, doing so in a legitimate combat encounter where you exploit what you discover.
9 Week Cooldown
Defeat a group of 5 equal-tiered opponents using Way of the Hunt in a legitimate combat encounter.
9 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equal-tiered robotic character using Way of the Hunt in a legitimate combat encounter.
9 Week Cooldown