Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat
Begun Training to Skilled
See an actual Lasat in combat/see a holorecording of one in combat.
1 Day Cooldown
Attempt to pin another player character, only to get out-strengthened by them
1 Day Cooldown
Tackle and overpower someone in a combat scenario.
1 Day Cooldown
Knock someone to the ground with a solid blow to the head, with them having sustained no prior injuries.
1 Day Cooldown
Grab an object with your feet successfully.
1 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Body slam an equally skilled user of Way of the Rancor, before they have the time to grapple you.
4 Day Cooldown
For Lasat and other species like them, grab an opponents weapon from their hands with just your feet. For humanoid species, figure out an applicable alternative.
4 Day Cooldown
Successfully pin an equal-tiered player character to the ground for a good period of time. Winning the encounter is not required
4 Day Cooldown
Break someone's nose/two ribs with one strike.
4 Day Cooldown
Use leverage and your own raw strength to throw a larger opponent.
4 Day Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Discombobulate an opponent by punching them in the face in a legitimate combat encounter.
1 Week Cooldown
Tackle an opponent off a high place, using their body to break the force of the fall.
1 Week Cooldown
Beat an equally skilled user of one of the other Hand-to-Hand types belonging to a species in a legitimate combat encounter.
1 Week Cooldown
Cross the distance between yourself and your opponent, and strike them, in the same action.
1 Week Cooldown
Leap from a high place onto an opponent and start beating the shit out of them.
1 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Lunge towards and defeat an equal-tiered opponent in a single action.
3 Week Cooldown
Teach someone Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat to the level of Skilled.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent who is faster than you in a legitimate combat encounter using Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat a member of the Lasan High Honor Guard using Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat an enemy with Mastery or higher in Disruptors using Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat in a legitimate combat encounter.
3 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
Overpower a Beyond Peak Human/Beyond Superhuman/Beyond Extreme (depending on your own strength level) through your use of your physicality in a legitimate combat encounter.
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equal-tiered Force User player character in a legitimate combat encounter using Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat.
6 Week Cooldown
Using your feet, steal an equal-tiered opponent's weapon and kill them with it, in a legitimate combat encounter.
6 Week Cooldown
Use your feet's ability to grip to vertical and horizontal surfaces to outmaneouvre a more nimble opponent, and then defeat them with Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat. Humanoids will need to get creative...
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent who is both faster and stronger than you in a legitimate combat encounter using Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat.
6 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Defeat a user of Mandalorian Protector Hand-to-Hand Combat, who has it at the level of Mastery or higher, in a legitimate combat encounter using Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat.
9 Week Cooldown
Combine Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat with another Hand-to-Hand style, and have a good explanation in your follow up submission as to why you chose that one.
9 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent ten times your size using Lasat Hand-to-Hand Combat.
9 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equally skilled user of Sangheili Hand-to-Hand Combat in a legitimate combat encounter, with no strength or speed advantage.
9 Week Cooldown
Defeat a Tier 0 by tackling them.
9 Week Cooldown