Mental Shielding
Begun Training to Skilled
Detect a legitimate attempt at a lie from another player character who has a Deception less than Skilled.
3 Day Cooldown
Successfully ascertain the actual motives behind a mission given to your character.
3 Day Cooldown
Inject your character with a truth serum. Endure 24 hours, trying to resist the questions set before you. Success is determined by the quality of responses throughout.
3 Day Cooldown
Undergo Chinese Water Torture for 24 hours or more without experiencing a psychotic break. Success is determined by the quality of responses throughout.
3 Day Cooldown
Attempt to resist a Force User performing a legitimate attempt to breach your mind.
3 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Endure 48 hours of legitimate torture in order to break your character or get information out of them. Success is determined by the quality of responses throughout.
1 Week Cooldown
Endure, as a player, your character being completely and utterly humiliated.
1 Week Cooldown
Come up with a convincing plan on how one of your closest allies would betray the group and succeed. Submit that plan to your GDM and the player controlling the ally in question, and achieve an accuracy rating of over 75%.
1 Week Cooldown
Outmanoeuvre an attempt at Deception from another player during a legitimate combat encounter using your Mental Shielding.
1 Week Cooldown
Detect and resist the legitimate manipulation of a character your character already trusts.
1 Week Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Endure the sight, be it real or an extremely realistic apparition, of all of your loved ones being murdered. Success is determined by the quality of responses throughout.
3 Week Cooldown
Successfully see through and predict a player's hidden attempt at Deception in a legitimate combat encounter.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equal-tiered player character or NPC who is a practitioner of Street Hand-to-Hand Combat in a legitimate combat encounter, using nothing but Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat.
3 Week Cooldown
Successfully resist a legitimate attempt to breach your mind by a Force User.
3 Week Cooldown
Successfully endure torture provided by another player character in a legitimate attempt to extract an advantage, be it emotional or knowledge, from you. Success is determined by the quality of responses throughout.
3 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Defeat a player character with higher Deception/Dun Moch that is used in a legitimate combat encounter.
5 Week Cooldown
Endure losing one of your key senses for 3 weeks.
5 Week Cooldown
Resist the manipulations of a non-ally with Extreme Mastery in Manipulation or higher. Your character should not submit. Success is determined by the quality of responses throughout. Failure will result in submitting to the manipulations of that non-ally fully.
5 Week Cooldown
Successfully outmanoeuvre an enemy group of players or your GDM's plan against you (be it capture, kill, or some other goal), without any information beforehand.
5 Week Cooldown
Successfully outmanoeuvre the enemy faction in a faction PvP event, tactically.
5 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
Successfully outmanoeuvre and avoid an attempt on your character's life. Failing to do so will result in a PK.
8 Week Cooldown
Endure a Force User of equivalent mental prowess telling you to kill yourself. Failing to do so will result in a PK.
8 Week Cooldown
Correctly find the twist villain in your group's/personal arc.
2 Week Cooldown
Successfully endure a torture session without flinching or showing any sign of pain. Success is determined by the quality of responses throughout.
8 Week Cooldown
Endure a nerf to your character, both in character and out of character.
8 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Successfully breach the Galactic Hyperspace Barrier or survive a psychic mindscape set up by a powerful mental being.
12 Week Cooldown
Endure a mental breach attempt by a collective of 3 Tier 1 Jedi Masters or Sith Lords. Success is determined by the quality of responses throughout.
12 Week Cooldown
A player character or close NPC will betray you soon. Figure out who it is before they act.
12 Week Cooldown
Endure the pain of an operation/dissection/medical procedure without anaesthetic.
12 Week Cooldown
Subject yourself partially to the Void and come out a minimum of slightly sane.
12 Week Cooldown