Name: Venku "Kad" Skirata

Rank: Jedi Padawan

Tier: Low 1

Background: Venku Skirata, otherwise known by the name of Kad or the nickname of Ven, is a Force Sensitive Human Male and son of the Republic Commando Darman Skirata, and Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan. Raised on Mandalore after the fall of the Republic, having been hidden deliberately both from the Jedi during the waning years of the Clone Wars, and now from the newly instituted Galactic Empire, out of concern of their purging of Force Sensitives and surviving Jedi from the aftermath of Order 66, along with concerns Venku would be taken and used to create a new, Force Sensitive Clone Trooper program to replace the degrading Jango Fett's DNA in use of making new Troopers. 

Under the watchful eyes of Clan Skirata, Kad would be trained in the Force and Lightsaber Combat secretly by the former Jedi Knight Bardan Jusik, and much like any other Mandalorian be given thorough training by the elder members of his Clan and family friends in place of his Father, who would normally do such training once their child reaches the age of 6, as Darman, unlike his other Clone Clan-mates, had not deserted during the execution of Order 66, instead staying behind with the recently crippled RC-1309, Niner Skirata, and due to the sudden death of Tur-Mukan.

Skirata eventually ended up in the Universe of Prophecy, where he was taken in by the Jedi on Tython to complete his training. 

Speed: Low B 

Abilities: The Mastery in Blaster Pistols. Extreme Mastery in Mental Shielding, Camouflage, Throwing Knives, Niman, and Deception. Mastery in Mandalorian Sabre Combat, Throwables, Traps, Ataru, Jar’Kai, Jetpacks, Ground Vehicles, Manipulation, and Mandalorian Hand-to-Hand. Highly Proficient in Weapon Instinct, Espionage, Slicing, and all Weapon Types. Proficient in Treatment & Aid, Survival Skills, Hunting/Tracking, Mechanical Mind, Explosives, Projectors, Shii-Cho, Survival Skills, and Crafting. Skilled in Makashi and Soresu. 

Notable Force Abilities: Mastery in Force Stealth and Ionise. Highly Proficient in Electric Judgement and Force Healing. Proficient in Standard Jedi Knight Abilities and Force Valour. Skilled in Mind Rub, Force Burst, Force Shockwave, and Battle Meditation. Begun Training in Force Enlightenment. 

Equipment: Light Mandalorian Beskar Armour; Mysterious Staff; Cortosis Weave Scarf; 2 Westar-34s; Shukur-05; Valken-38x; 3 Throwing Knives; 2 Kal; 2 Lightsabers; Darman’s Bowcaster; 2 Ion Grenades; 2 V-1 Thermal Detonators; Vambraces with: Dur-24 Wrist Laser, CZ Flame Projector, MM9 Rocket Launcher, and Electrified Whipcord; Knee Rocket-Dart Launchers; Reinforced JT-12 Jetpack; Utility Belt with: Medical Supplies, Power Packs, Ration Capsules, and Repair Tools; Family Photo; Small Toy

Weaknesses: Kad will likely go into a combat scenario from the beginning with non-lethal means, so an opponent going all out from the very beginning could potentially kill him. Kad loves the Mandalorian people, feeling an intense duty to his kind. As such, creating scenarios that seriously threaten the Mandalorian people or innocents will cause him to become distracted, with the man prioritising their health over his own; though one must be careful of the boomerang effect, with Skirata losing his restraints on killing. His instincts encourage him to use his Mandalorian skills, and thus it is recommended to approach a combat scenario with this in mind.