Name: Omega (Clone)
Rank: Bad Batch Member
Tier: Low 4
Background: Omega is a female clone based on Jango Fett. She is an unmodified, yet enhanced first generation clone, created in Nala Se's private laboratory. Sporting blonde hair and wearing garb similar to the Kaminoans, Omega stands apart from the rest of her clone brothers.
Due to her special status as an unusual clone, Nala Se has chosen Omega to be her medical assistant. Therefore, she has a high-level academic knowledge of medical information as it pertains to the clones and the Kaminoans, and can assist in most medical procedures. This is also possibly due to possible affinity for pattern recognition and mechanical mind.
She has received some of the same training that her clone brothers have, but not the conditioning. Omega has also witnessed some of the horrors of the Clone Rebellion on Kamino, and has learned to not always take the information given to her at face value. She recently remembered four other clones who were developed in Nala Se's lab, known as Clone Force 99. Omega has started on a covert quest to find them and perhaps leave Kamino with them.
Speed: Middle H Combat Speed
Abilities: Highly Proficient in Pattern Recognition, Treatment & Aid, and Weapon Instinct. Skilled in Blaster Rifles, Throwables, Mechanical Mind, Jetpacks, and Blaster Pistols.
Equipment: N/A
Weaknesses: Omega is a child, and thus can be overpowered quite easily in most contexts. And while one should not take this to mean she is unskilled, one should definitely attempt to overwhelm her physically in a combat scenario. Omega is quite compassionate, something that can be exploited to lure her into traps and other engineered scenarios. Omega, while having undergone training, is still highly inexperienced; and is likely to freeze in new situations. Omega is also quick to trust strangers, something that can be easily used against her in acts of initial deception. She is also eager to involve herself with the Bad Batch and contribute, allowing her to easily be baited into dangerous situations by her need to fit in.