Name: Lord Caelum

Rank: Sith Warlord

Tier: Low 2

Background:  Darth Caelum, otherwise adhered to as Admiral Caelum was a Human Male Sith who worked for the now-defunct Eternal Empire. Having worked in the naval division of the Sith and Eternal Empires, Caelum was a talented officer, though inexperienced at first. By the end of his tenure in the Eternal Empire, he found himself in the position of Admiral as it crumbled, and swiftly took opportunity. Finding allies in the other now displaced high-ranking officers and associates from the Eternal Empire, Caelum formed the Oriens Guild. 

Speed: Middle C

Abilities: Extreme Mastery in Mental Shielding and Manipulation. Mastery in Deception, Street Hand-to-Hand Combat, Improvised Hand-to-Hand Combat, Dun Moch, and Form V. Highly Proficient in Survival Skills, Hunting/Tracking, Blaster Pistols, and Clubs. Proficient in Ship Boarding, Ground Vehicles, and Zakuul Hand-to-Hand Combat.  

Notable Force Abilities: Mastery in Force Persuasion, Force Horror, Dominate Mind, and Farsight. Highly Proficient in Farsight, Tutaminis, and Force Phase.  

Equipment: Caelum’s Lightsaber; EE Admiralty Uniform; Verpine Blaster Pistol;  Durasteel Cane

Weaknesses: Caelum will always resort to manipulation as a first resort, meaning an aggressive combatant or one going all out from the start can catch him off the guard and likely put him down. Caelum, despite his skill, actually lacks both variety and high skill levels in many of his combat abilities, meaning if one of similar strength can try to fight him on straight terms, they are likely to seize victory. Caelum has no way of fighting at long range, and one should attempt to fight him at this distance.