Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat
Begun Training to Skilled
Defeat an opponent by hitting them as hard as possible.
1 Day Cooldown
Run out of energy in a fight due to overuse of Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
1 Day Cooldown
Fail to break open an opponent's guard due to not applying enough force.
1 Day Cooldown
Be defeated by an opponent who uses a Hand-to-Hand style that relies on speed.
1 Day Cooldown
Break open an opponent's guard by staggering them with a strike.
1 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Push an opponent onto their back foot through the force of your attack.
4 Day Cooldown
Knock out an opponent in one punch.
4 Day Cooldown
Accidentally kill an somewhat meek opponent in a legitimate combat encounter using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat, failing to recognise your strength.
4 Day Cooldown
Defeat an opponent carrying a shield using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
4 Day Cooldown
Break an opponent's jaw through punching them.
4 Day Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Defeat an opponent wearing heavy armour using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
1 Week Cooldown
Land the final strike on an plot arc boss using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
1 Week Cooldown
Land a kick an opponent that shatters most of their ribs.
1 Week Cooldown
Break an opponent's arm when they attempt to block your attack.
1 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent who has Beyond Peak Human Strength in a legitimate combat encounter using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
1 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Defeat an opponent who has equal skill in Zakuul Hand-to-Hand Combat in a legitimate combat encounter, using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
3 Week Cooldown
Teach someone in Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat to the level of Skilled.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat a Force User of equal tier or higher in a legitimate combat encounter, using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat one of the following species using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat: Wookiee, Trandoshan, Talz, Houk, or Besalisk.
3 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent higher on the Tier List that you could not beat prior to coming to the conclusion mid-combat that you simply need to "hit him really hard". Then do that, and defeat them.
3 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
Defeat an equal-tiered opponent who believes speed beats strength in a legitimate combat encounter.
6 Week Cooldown
Continue to interrupt a chatty/cocky opponent by punching them in the face.
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat a player character with Superhuman Strength using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat a user of Mandalorian Protector Hand-to-Hand Combat in a legitimate combat encounter who has the technique at Highly Proficient or higher.
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent outside of your Keep-Up speed range in a single punch.
6 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Defeat a user of Knights of Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat, at any level above Skilled, using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
9 Week Cooldown
Place another player character into a coma through a single punch given to them in a legitimate combat encounter.
9 Week Cooldown
Defeat a player character with Extreme Strength using Prakith Hand-to-Hand Combat.
9 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equal-sub-tiered player character using Prakith Hand-to-Hand who wants to take the charge of someone you are looking after.
9 Week Cooldown
Defeat a player character in the Tier above with an ally, that you could not beat prior to coming to the conclusion mid-combat that you simply need to "hit them really hard... together?". Then do that, and defeat them.
9 Week Cooldown