Name: Fabius Valens

Rank: Sith Warlord

Tier: Low 2

Background: Fabius Valens, a human from the Outer Rim planet Rannon in the Instrop Sector, was born into a military family. He was the son of two mercenaries hired by the local people to help escort the exports of foodstuffs and gems. He grew up travelling with his parents, learning the trade and how to fight. He was always special, able to seem to have an edge over his opponents, whether physical or mental. He grew to hone his skills in his early teen life. During his early teen years, while on a run in the outer rim, the ship his parents were escorting was sabotaged and crashed onto an unknown planet.

From there, he was found by members of the Eternal Empire expeditionary force. He was then taken after a struggle in which his captors realised his force powers. From there, he was trained in the acolyte programme but never fit into a singular category, always creating his own unique and individual style and path. He was then transferred out due to his lack of uniformity with the other acolytes. He was sent to the regular army to command a battalion, in which he excelled at all tasks given to him. He was then assigned to command a more extensive range of planet control and worked closely with a small naval fleet. Fabius was a hard man with extensive combat training and mental fortitude.

He worked on many assignments in deep space alone or with little help, creating a self-dependent individual. Fabius was also very mistrusting, only relaying and relying on exact and confirmed information, not rumours, to his superiors, creating his status as one who is precise and exact with all of their information, making him a trusted member. Without his non-traditional path, he wouldn’t have found himself bidding for his own spot at the head of the table.

Speed: High D

Abilities: Extraordinary Willpower. Extreme Mastery in Mental Shielding. Mastery in Deception, Saberstaffs, and Makashi. Highly Proficient in Survival Skills, Throwables, Street Hand-to-Hand Combat, and Juyo. Proficient in Soresu and Pattern Recognition. Skilled in Zakuul Hand-to-Hand Combat and Dun Moch. 

Notable Force Abilities: Mastery in Standard Basic Dark Side Abilities and Dominate Mind. Highly Proficient in Force Scream, Force Crush, Force Horror, and Force Drain. 

Equipment: Saberstaff; Fabius’ Armour

Weaknesses: Fabius lacks any proper offensive Force ability outside of telekinesis, meaning if he engages someone else with more tangible Force attacks, he may get bested from the sheer lack of scope his powers provide. Fabius is a man who sees the bigger picture, and can be distracted from observing some of the smaller details that may be important in both a scenario or combat encounter. As such, subtlety against Fabius is a key strategy of success. Fabius should be engaged with blaster fire where possible, given his lack of defensive abilities at a suitable level for someone of his position.