Force User Jargon
Tutaminis and Force Deflection are energy-based absorption techniques that Force Users employ to protect themselves. The difference between the two is as follows:
Tutaminis - Absorbing the energy into yourself and harmlessly dissipating it. This is shown by Yoda ABSORBING the lighting of Dooku on GeonosisÂ
Force Deflection - Physically diverting the attack in any direction. This is shown by Yoda THROWING the Lightning back at Dooku on GeonosisÂ
These are the levels at which the techniques can operate:Â
Highly Proficient - Can Absorb Blasters Pistols
Mastery - Can Absorb Higher Level Blasters and Blaster Cannons, etc. Average Explosives, like GrenadesÂ
Extreme Mastery - Average Turbolasers and Lightsabers
The Mastery - Higher End Turbolasers and ExplosivesÂ
The Master - Yes
For a force energy technique to overcome a Deflection or Tutaminis, it must be at a level higher. Equal levels of the offending and defending technique will result in a power struggle, as seen with Sidious vs Yoda. If the offending energy technique is levels lower than the defending techniques, it will be unable to overwhelm the defence, as seen with Yoda vs Dooku.Â
Force Abilities and Bladework cannot be used in conjunction unless one is at Extreme Mastery at the level of the Form, or they are using Form Six (Niman).Â
By conjunction, what is meant is that you cannot swing and use the Force openly at the same time (augmentation powers such as Speed and Valour are still allowed). You can however hold your lightsaber passively and use the Force.Â
Jar’Kai and Saberstaffs work as such: For the sake of example, let us assume the saberstaff level is at Mastery.Â
If your character has a lightsaber form above your saberstaff level (in this case, Extreme Mastery, The Mastery, or The Master), you can only use that form WHILE using a saberstaff at mastery level.Â
If your character has a lightsaber form below your saberstaff level (let's say skilled for our example), then you can only use that form WHILE using a saberstaff at the level of the form itself (in our case, it would be at Skilled).
Differences between Force Sense, Force Sight, Farsight, Precognition, and Battle Precognition
Force Sense
Force Sense gives vague feelings in the Force (ie. Obi-Wan sensing the destruction of Alderaan) and allows one to detect lifeforms in the Force nearby. Does not work on droids. Can give vague feelings of impending danger, but not as reactionary or reliable as Farsight.
Force Sight
Force Sight allows blind people to see the world around them, and allow Jedi to see things that cannot be seen (i.e. the scene of Luke in ANH, blocking the shots from the remote with the visor down). It has been added as a universal standard.
Farsight is being able to tell if something is wrong around the galaxy (i.e. Palpatine sensing Vader was in danger after his loss on Mustafar). In combat, it is used to get general ideas of what your opponent is going to do, and if something may affect the battle (a hidden sniper shot for example, that the user can then block). It is not a direct image however, more the Force telling you like "Hey, something is up with this!" or "Quick, you need to block the danger to your right!". You won't know what is coming, just that something is coming.Â
Precognition is the ability to see things that will happen in the future. Through the Force, one is able to predict and see the future while in a state of calm, meditation, or non-combat. This ability CANNOT be used in combat.
Say, for example, a Force User is in front of three doors. They could focus on Precognition and see what will happen if they go through each door, or the future in relation to doors; thus allowing them to avoid danger. It should also be noted that Force-based Precognition can often be vague, leaving a lot of it up to misinterpretation.Â
Battle Precognition
Battle Precognition is being able to see exactly what is going to happen in battle (i.e. getting a brief vision mid battle that a massive force lightning blast is coming to your right). It is like the battle side of Farsight, but much more detailed (though perhaps sometimes at the cost of being more easily manipulated).
Standard Force Abilities
Standards are the ability pool you can learn from, as in what abilities your key card in the library will give you access to.
So, someone at Jedi Knight level could receive the tasks for abilities from the standard Knight list without a teacher. They will not give any multiplier due to the mechanics of self teaching, but still, they can be done in one own's time.Â
Standards are not stated on profiles in their entirety, and if an ability is stated outside the standard list despite being on it, you follow the level it has specifically been stated at.Â
Universal Standards
Universal Standards are standards every Force User has, unless said otherwise. They are your bread and butter Force Powers, and thus are not noted on the profile at all. They scale to the Tier your Force User is in.Â
What Tier equals what level in the Universal Standards?
The Mastery - High 0 and Middle 0
Extreme Mastery - Low 0 and High 1
Mastery - Middle 1 and Low 1
Highly Proficient - Tier 2
Proficient - Tier 3
Skilled - Tier 4
Begun Training - Tier 5
The Universal Abilities
Move Object
Force Pull
Force Push
Thought Shield
Force Jump
Force Persuasion
Protection Bubble
Force Flash
Force Sight
Force Sense
Art of Movement
Force Resistance (Passive Force Barriers)
Enhance Attribute
Falling to the Dark Side
When one falls to the Dark Side or gets close to doing so (95 balance or greater), they get access to the following basic Dark Side abilities at levels according to their tier, as seen above:
Force Choke
Force Fear
Force Rage
Force Shock
Force Slow
Force Wound
Force Grip
Passive Force Barriers
Passive Force Barriers, otherwise known as the ability Force Resistance, is a Force User's ability to resist Force abilities naturally. One's level in the ability scales to their tier in a similar manner to the other Universal Abilities (as seen below), though the ability itself can be trained.Â
Passive Force Barriers work through the means that Force Abilities used against your character are less effective if they are from someone of a lower tier. For example, a Tier 3 using a Force Ability against a Tier 2 would not be as effective if they used it against a Tier 3 or lower, and even less effective against a Tier 1; and so-on-so-forth.Â
Now, it should be noted that being in a lower tier does not mean your ability is completely no-sold (as in, if you are a Tier 3 hitting a Tier 2, it's not like your ability is suddenly completely useless). It just means its slightly less effective, and the scale in which it is less effective is mostly chosen contextually by the DM of the combat encounter.Â
Within the same tier, as in the difference of sub-tiers (with the exception of High 1 vs Middle 1 and Low 1 due to the universal level changing on that mark from Mastery to Extreme Mastery), there is no effect of Force Resistance.Â
Furthermore, if your ability level specifically is higher than the level of Force Resistance despite a difference in tier, than that ability also can bypass the Passive Force Barrier.Â
Standard Light Side Abilities
Standard Jedi Youngling Abilities
Animal Bond
Force Empathy
Curato Salva
Tutaminis (does not include external Tutaminis)
Standard Jedi Masterless Padawan Abilities
Animal Bond
Force Empathy
Hibernation Trance
Force Listening
Tutaminis (does not include external Tutaminis)
Curato Salva
Standard Jedi Padawan Abilities
Animal Bond
Force Empathy
Curato Salva
Hibernation Trance
Force Listening
Breath Control
Alter Damage
Force Throw
Force Disarm
Tutaminis (does not include external Tutaminis)
Force Grip
Force Stealth
Standard Jedi Knight Abilities
Animal Bond
Force Empathy
Curato Salva
Hibernation Trance
Force Listening
Breath Control
Alter Damage
Force Throw
Force Disarm
Force Barrier
Force Speed
Force Wave
Tutaminis (does not include external Tutaminis unless at Extreme Mastery or higher)
Force Grip
Force Stealth
Standard Jedi Master Abilities
Animal Bond
Force Empathy
Curato Salva
Hibernation Trance
Force Listening
Breath Control
Alter Damage
Force Throw
Force Disarm
Force Barrier
Force Speed
Force Wave
Force Healing
Force Repulse
Detoxify Poison
Force Stealth
Force Confusion
Force Stasis
Force Crush
Force Grip
Saber Throw
Standard Jedi Councillor Abilities
Animal Bond
Force Empathy
Curato Salva
Hibernation Trance
Force Listening
Breath Control
Alter Damage
Force Throw
Force Disarm
Force Barrier
Force Speed
Force Wave
Force Healing
Force Repulse
Detoxify Poison
Force Stealth
Force Confusion
Force Stasis
Force Crush
Force Grip
Enhance Attribute
Force Body
Instinctive Astrogation
Force Flight
Force Whirlwind
Sever Force
Saber Throw
Force Guidance
Force Valour
Standard Dark Side Abilities
Banite Sith Line
Banite Dark Acolyte Abilities
Force Choke
Force Fear
Force Rage
Force Shock
Force Slow
Force Wound
Force Kill
Force Crush
Force Affliction
Force Pain
Force Subjugate
Force Scream
Dominate Mind
Force Horror
Force Destruction
Force Wave
Force Repulse
Force Blast
Force Orb
Force Throw
Force Whirlwind
Force Barrier
Force Disarm
Force Stealth
Force Speed
Standard Banite Sith Lord Abilities
Force Choke
Force Fear
Force Rage
Force Shock
Force Slow
Force Wound
Force Kill
Force Crush
Force Affliction
Force Pain
Force Subjugate
Force Lightning
Chain Lightning
Force Scream
Dominate Mind
Force Horror
Force Destruction
Force Wave
Force Repulse
Force Blast
Force Orb
Force Throw
Force Whirlwind
Force Barrier
Force Disarm
Force Insanity
Deadly Sight
Force Storm (lightning)
Dampen Presence
Force Stealth
Alter Environment
Force Body
Force Bellow
Force Speed
Force Drain
Force Maelstrom
Mechu Deru
Force Valour
Drain Knowledge
Old Sith Line
Standard Pre-Banite Sith Apprentice Abilities
Force Choke
Force Fear
Force Rage
Force Shock
Force Slow
Force Wound
Force Grip
Force Lightning
Chain Lightning
Drain Knowledge
Force Destruction
Force Plague
Dominate Mind
Saber Throw
Force Barrier
Force Wave
Standard Pre-Banite Sith Lord Abilities
Force Choke
Force Fear
Force Rage
Force Shock
Force Slow
Force Wound
Force Grip
Force Lightning
Chain Lightning
Drain Knowledge
Force Destruction
Force Horror
Force Affliction
Dominate Mind
Saber Throw
Force Barrier
Force Wave
Force Crush
Force Repulse
Force Disarm
Force Throw
Force Plague
Force Body
Force Drain
Force Speed
Standard Dark Councillor Abilities
Force Choke
Force Fear
Force Rage
Force Shock
Force Slow
Force Wound
Force Grip
Force Lightning
Chain Lightning
Drain Knowledge
Force Destruction
Force Horror
Force Affliction
Dominate Mind
Saber Throw
Force Barrier
Force Wave
Force Crush
Force Repulse
Force Disarm
Force Throw
Force Plague
Force Body
Force Drain
Sith Alchemy
Saber Barrier
Force Storm (lightning)
Force Sever
Force Valour
One Sith Line
Standard One Sith Force Abilities
Force Lightning
Sith Alchemy
Force Body
Force Disarm
Force Speed
Alter Environment
Mind Trick
Dominate Mind
Force Valour
Beast Trick
Force Barrier
Protection Bubble
Force Healing
Force Illusion
Force Rend
Force Crush
Force Stealth
Force Affliction