Teräs Käsi
Begun Training to Skilled
Punch a thick sheet of durasteel repeatedly with no biological strength advantage or Force augmentation. Continue until your hands break.
2 Day Cooldown
Successfully "feel" each one of your hairs while in a meditative state.
2 Day Cooldown
In a environment with dangers that can kill you, continue to meditate and ignore all things around you, focus within.
2 Day Cooldown
Perfectly "feel" each one of your organs during a meditative state.
2 Day Cooldown
Meditate under a powerful waterfall for an hour, do not break concentration at all.
2 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Successfully use the Charging Wampa manoeuvre in a legitimate combat encounter.
5 Day Cooldown
Observe a carnivorous hunting species on a planet you have not visited before for a minimum of three days.
5 Day Cooldown
Successfully use the Spitting Rawl manoeuvre in a legitimate combat encounter.
5 Day Cooldown
Successfully dodge an incoming unknown strike while in a meditative and calm state.
5 Day Cooldown
Meditate while sitting on a bed of burning coals, do not break concentration at all.
5 Day Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Punch a thick sheet of durasteel repeatedly with no biological strength advantage or Force augmentation. Continue until your hands break, or you dent the sheet.
1 Week Cooldown
Dodge an attack in mid-air through clear body movement.
1 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equal-tiered or higher-tiered Jedi in a legitimate combat encounter using Teras Kasi.
1 Week Cooldown
Enter a deep meditative state while approaching a certain death situation, not exiting until you are no longer in that situation.
1 Week Cooldown
Visit Bunduki and find the followers of Palawa, having found out about them through legitimate means.
1 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Anticipate the strike of a player character in a legitimate combat encounter before they make it.
5 Week Cooldown
Slow down a poison in your system using Teras Kasi.
5 Week Cooldown
Attack a Tier 5 or lower with Teras Kasi, doing so without injuring or killing them.
5 Week Cooldown
Successfully punch through an opponent with no biological strength advantage or Force augmentation in a legitimate combat encounter.
5 Week Cooldown
Successfully complete Palawanian Mastery Rituals on Bunduki, ending in a duel against a Master Follower which you must come out victorious against
5 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
Punch a thick sheet of durasteel repeatedly with no biological strength advantage or Force augmentation. Continue until your hands break, or you completely break through it.
7 Week Cooldown
Using Teras Kasi, successfully slow down an otherwise fatal wound in time for medical help to arrive.
7 Week Cooldown
Teach someone in Teras Kasi to the level of Skilled.
7 Week Cooldown
Fall from a high place and survive using Teras Kasi.
7 Week Cooldown
Create your own detailed Teras Kasi move.
7 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Punch a thick sheet of Beskar repeatedly with no biological strength advantage or Force augmentation. Continue until your hands break, or you completely dent it.
10 Week Cooldown
Earn the rank of Master Follower amongst those on Bunduki.
10 Week Cooldown
Use Teras Kasi to escape a situation that would have otherwise been a definite PK.
10 Week Cooldown
Defeat a Jedi Councillor using Teras Kasi, without having a speed or strength advantage in a legitimate combat encounter.
10 Week Cooldown
Seek out Axis and learn the possibilities and principles of cellular control through Teras Kasi.
10 Week Cooldown