Name: Romila

Rank: Sith Acolyte

Tier: High 3

Background: Lady Romila was a fallen Jedi Padawan, her Master having been slain before her eyes during the battle of Dromund Kass. Taken captive by the Sith within the Empire, Romila suffered months of torment by her captors. Romila was beaten, battered, and broken by the Sith, and remade into one of their twisted acolytes.

Romila served the Empire as an assassin, her small and unimposing figure along with a myriad of techniques and strategies learned permitting her to succeed where others wouldn't. It was in this time she lost herself fully, becoming little more than a tool of the Empire. Romila would, in this period, take up spice and other stimulants in her time alone.

She worked her way through the Empire, learning from peers through trades of secrets, vices, and other such things. It was during this time Romila developed a special relationship with a Sith Lord who'd reminded her of her former Master. She became dedicated to him and his service, despite the cruel treatment he displayed to her. It was through him she'd receive much of her more advanced training in the Dark side, being rewarded for doing whatever he bid her to, regardless of the task.

Romila served her Lord faithfully until his passing with the fall of the Empire in 18 BBY, where she used the contacts she made to relocate. Though now that she had the resources to leave the Empire, the thought never crossed her mind, for this was her life now. She contacted what would come to be the Oriens Guild, who hastily enlisted her services. She'd make a name for herself there, she was sure of it. 

Speed: Low D

Abilities: Extreme Mastery in Deception. Highly Proficient in Mental Shielding, Niman, Espionage, Juyo, Manipulation, Dun Moch, and Saberstaffs. Proficient in Throwables, Survival Skills, Shii-Cho, Hunting/Tracking, Slicing, and Makashi. Skilled in Environmental Conditioning, Survival Skills, Soresu, Form V, and Ataru. 

Notable Force Abilities: Highly Proficient in Force Stealth and Force Lightning. Proficient in Standard Jedi Padawan Abilities, Force Whirlwind, Sith Sorcery, and Standard Basic Dark Side Abilities. Skilled in Sith Alchemy and Force Healing. 

Equipment: Sith Robes; Saberstaff; Spice Kit; Lightsaber Repair Kit; Hush Comm Link

Weaknesses: Romila has no skill in Hand-to-Hand Combat, and as such, getting in close while she is disarmed is likely to completely overwhelm her if one can also prevent her from using the Force. Physically, Romila lacks strength, and thus can be easily defeated if one enters that particular form of contest with her in a combat scenario. Romila is haunted by the loss of her master, and though buried, these memories will cause her to fly into a blind rage if forced to resurface. Romila also has a physical dependency on spice, and using this against her will throw her off balance; as well as limiting her ability to channel the Force if separating her from spice for an extensive period of time. Romila also has a dependency on her ability to manipulate, and will rarely come to blows in lightsaber combat, and will only use the Force if her clandestine tactics do not work. As such, removing her ability to do so will make her far easier to deal with.