Name: CC-2224 "Cody"
Rank: Clone Commander
Tier: High 3
Background: CC-2224, nicknamed "Cody," was a clone marshal commander assigned to High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars.
The former leader of the 7th Sky Corps, Cody was a loyal and competent soldier who always followed his orders. He was a no-nonsense commander who was very skilled in tactics, owing much of his keen judgment to the tutelage of Alpha-17, whom he'd keep a strong friendship with throughout his service. Notably, Cody had a 91% similarity to the original clone template of Jango Fett.
CC-2224 began his life as one of countless cloned officers slated for a leadership position in the Grand Army of the Republic. Early on in his career, he showed a flair for independent thought that often drew the always-prying eyes of the Kaminoans, in spite of his no-nonsense attitude. The Kaminoans selected him for special training, where he met CT-7567, whom he would later know as Captain Rex. CC-2224 and CT-7567 quickly became friends during their training exercises before their eventually decanting from Kamino.
Cody began the war not as CC-2224, but CT-2224, having been a Captain initially. However, he would be swiftly promoted during the opening act of the Clone Wars due to the input of Jedi High General Obi-Wan Kenobi, and be placed directly under Kenobi as Marshal Commander of the 7th Sky Corps.
During his service to the Republic, Cody saw worlds fall. Several months into the Clone Wars, CC-2224 was temporarily pulled from the fighting in order to be entered into an experimental training regiment, headed by ARC trooper Alpha-17, designed to provoke independent thought among the enrolled commanders. As a sign of his new-found independent streak, CC-2224 took the name "Cody," and began customizing his armor with equipment previously available only to the at the time only ARC Troopers in the Alpha and Null Class Recon Commandos. Cody's armor modifications included a small, bullet-shaped jetpack, a secondary comm antenna, a visor on his helmet, a pair of antennae on his helmet, enlarged shoulder pads, and a small stick-like tool in an armband on his upper right arm.
Of the hundred commanders put through Alpha-17's training program, a handful were picked by Alpha-17 and assigned to Squad Seven, an elite group of cross-trained commandos made up of the Grand Army's best snipers, demolition experts, and marines, whose role was to accompany ranking Jedi on any type of mission. For their stellar performances, Commanders Cody and OddBall, also known as Dajivaan, were given control over Squad Seven, though Major Jorir handled its day-to-day operations.
In this period of time early in the Clone Wars, Cody would work extensively with the Experimental Clone Force 99, whom he'd forge rock solid working friendships with, alongside their Cuy'val Dar Near Farr and Jedi Bossk Silverblum, whom he would work with on occasion during his missions with Clone Force 99 when additional manpower was necessary.
Cody would have his foundations shattered during the Third System Army's foray into Wild Space and the Unknown Regions, with his closest friend, CC-7567, Rex, being assassinated by a possessed Arcann Tirall, whom Cody also considered a close confidant and friend. Furthermore, the men of the Third Systems Army began to become increasingly insubordinate, further infuriating CC-2224, alongside multiple deserters and conspiracies being afloat. All of this compounded in cracking the man's resolve, and causing him to eventually become closer to Silverblum, with whom he'd eventually share a romantic relationship with.
After the finishing of the botched Odessen Campaign, Cody and Silverblum would be contacted by The Director of Communications, otherwise known as Axis, to infiltrate the regime of Mand'alor the Reclaimer, under the guise of a year's leave. The two accepted the operation, and would begin working with Near Farr, though they were unable to aide long on Mandalore, this would kick-start what would eventually become the failed Revolution of Mandalore.
After this, the pair would find themselves on Coruscant during the day of chaos with the 7th Sky Corps, which would result in immense guilt as they had fallen to Abeloth's Dominate Mind, and slaughtered the Jedi within the Coruscant Jedi Temple. This event would cause the resignation of Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Grand Army of the Republic, and cause CC-2224 to attempt to sort out his life in the coming months, especially after the news of the passing of Near Farr came.
Speed: Low D Combat Speed
Abilities: Mastery in Mandalorian Hand-to-Hand Combat, Jetpacks, and Blaster Pistols. Highly Proficient in Blaster Rifles, Mental Shielding, Deception, Camouflage, Espionage, Pattern Recognition, Blaster Cannons, Blaster Carbines, and Throwables. Proficient in Hunting/Tracking, Ground Vehicles, Shotguns, Explosives, and Sniper Rifles. Skilled in Projectors, Knife Combat, and Animal Handling. Begun Training in Form I.
Equipment: Beskar Beta Series-II ARC Armour; DC-15A; DC-17; Proficient with Mandalorian Ripper; Skilled in DC-19 Stealth Carbine; Two Mandalorian Vambraces; 2 Fragmentation Grenades; 2 EMP Grenades; 2 Ion Grenades; Utility Belt with: Ammunition, Grappling Hook, Basic Medical Supplies, Multitool.
Weaknesses: Cody is a brother scorned, having lost both his two closest brothers in Rex and Jesse, his whole Corps, and his friend and general in Obi-Wan Kenobi. As such, Cody has become disillusioned with the Republic, believing it to be incompetent and compromised from within. This lack of faith can be manipulated, allowing these disloyal thoughts to impede his sound strategical and by the books mindset. Additionally, Cody operates far better in close-mid range, due to his specialisation in Pistols and CQC, thus snipers will have a far easier time combatting him. Cody has a child and wife, and manipulating him over these two individuals would prove to be a most effective strategy.