Name: Adira Calter

Rank: Advisor to the Oriens Guild

Tier: Middle 2

Background: Adira Calter was a Thyrsian Female Sun Guardsman who became the CEO of a sizeable Security Firm in the Corporate Sector prior to 22 BBY. Born on the planet of Thyrsus, Adira was the daughter of a notable Sun Guardsman. Her father, though wishful for a male heir given the Patriarchal nature of Thyrsian Society still opted to train Adira as a Sun Guardsman, with the young Thyrsian inheriting her father's skills and work ethic. However, due to her sex, Adira faced notable demeaning behaviour from her fellow members of the Sun Guard, eventually splitting off with them entirely shortly. From there she used her skills in work as a hired gun, eventually finding herself in the Corporate Sector as a high end security enforcer. Through her efforts and skill, she eventually worked her way to becoming the head of a very well established Security Firm in the Sector, who's services were in high demand given the cutthroat nature of many business moguls and rivals.

After the Collapse of the Eternal Empire, Adira threw in her companies lot with the Oriens Guild as one of the three highest ranking members, using her experience to manage Economic and Diplomatic manners whilst her military career keeps her keenly aware of needs of the other branches of the Guild, and when to withhold from them when necessary. 

Speed: High C

Abilities:  Extreme Mastery in Echani Sabre Combat and Mental Shielding. Mastery in Echani Hand-to-Hand Combat, Shotguns, Blaster Pistols, Ground Vehicles, and Weapon Instinct. Highly Proficient in Energy Shields, Throwables, Survival Skills, Projectors, and Jetpacks. 

Equipment: Modified Sunguard Armour; Two Vambraces; Force Pike; Personal Energy Shield; Custom Blaster Pistol; Custom Shotgun; 3 Thermal Detonators; 2 Ion Grenades

Weaknesses: Adira will always prioritise the safety of her allies, even in the face of the success of her mission/goal; and as such, this can be used to very easily manipulate her in a combat encounter. Adira is also mainly effective in close-quarters combat/range, meaning if one attacks her from a distance, she is likely to be far easier to defeat. Adira takes great pride in her skills, and as such, she is easy to manipulate when one downplays her capabilities and skill.