Name: Arashem

Rank: Member of the Divine Path

Tier: High 2

Background: Ar'ashem'umnoxcra, otherwise known simply as Arashem, was a notable commander during the War of the Hallowed Thread, a reality-shattering conflict that spanned billions of years. Fighting on the side of Ectherid during the conflict, Ar'ashem'umnoxcra lead legions and conquered worlds with their immense force abilities, able to warp reality and manifest matter into existence with ease. However, following the conflict's disastrous end, and the massive cascade that plagued reality afterwards, Ar'ashem'umnoxcra would find themselves critically weakened, almost entirely unable to access the power that they had once held.

Scarcely avoiding utter destruction and escaping into the bounds of reality, Ar'ashem'umnoxcra would spend several thousand years coping with the loss of their power. Managing what scraps remained of their now-pathetic Force potential, their skillset gradually warping to suit such losses. Following further destabilization of reality during the time of the Clone Wars, Ar'ashem'umnoxcra would find themselves transported into the Universe of Prophecy, where they would soon seek out Varman Ashrani in an attempt to reclaim their former glory. 

Speed: High C

Abilities: Type 1 Immortality. Low Regeneration. Extreme Mastery in Mental Shielding and Deception. Mastery in Void Sense, Camouflage, Espionage, Dagger Combat, Slugthrowers, and Throwables. Highly Proficient in Hunting/Tracking, Survival Skills, Projectors, Mechanical Mind, and Crafting. Proficient in Pattern Recognition, Explosives, and Traps.

Notable Force Abilities: Mastery in Force Stealth, Force Weapon, and Force Throw. Highly Proficient in Force Cloak and Enhance Attribute. Proficient in Limited Matter Creation and Force Resistance. Skilled in Universal Force Abilities.

Equipment: Mastery with Custom Mass-Driver Sniper Rifle; Custom Six-Shot Revolver; Ornate Panadolium Dagger; Light Armor worn atop clothing; Dart Launcher concealed within gauntlet; Silver Pendant; Assorted Pouches with: Reserve Firearm Ammunition, Explosive Caltrops, Spare Supplies, and Cigarettes.

Weaknesses: Given their injuries during the War of the Hallowed Thread and the manner in which they received a Void Balance, Arashem is less than capable in Force usage as well as their relative stamina. As such, not only do costly Force techniques drain them to an even greater degree, but most Force techniques themselves are less than potent. As such, taking the combat encounter to a wide and distant area, where AOE attacks would be more useful, is one way to gain an advantage. Their matter creation is extremely inefficient, but does not require concentration like more sorcery-based matter manipulation. Furthermore, the actual quantity that can be manipulated isn’t particularly large, limiting the creativity of what they are able to achieve. Within close quarters, Arashem relies on dagger combat, which lacks power and reach. Lastly, Arashem lacks any precognitive abilities thanks to their Void Balance, and thus can be surprised more so than a normal Force User, though Void Sense makes it hard to ambush them.