Begun Training to Skilled
See Shatterpoints for the first time. Go briefly insane at this new form of vision.
1 Day Cooldown
Unknowingly see the Shatterpoint of someone you care about deeply. Sit with that knowledge forever.
1 Day Cooldown
Accidentally use Shatterpoint on an ally during a friendly sparring match.
1 Day Cooldown
Shatter a weak object through following its fault lines in the Force.
1 Day Cooldown
Win a legitimate combat encounter through use of subconsciously following the Shatterpoint to their defeat.
1 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Destroy the armour of an armoured opponent through use of Shatterpoint.
4 Day Cooldown
Be defeated in a legitimate combat encounter due to being distracted and focusing too much on the shatterpoints around you.
4 Day Cooldown
Destroy an armoured vehicle through use of Shatterpoint in a legitimate combat encounter.
4 Day Cooldown
Save an ally from a PK situation through use of Shatterpoint.
4 Day Cooldown
Win a legitimate combat encounter through use of consciously following the Shatterpoint to their defeat.
4 Day Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Destroy an opponent's lightsaber through use of Shatterpoint in a legitimate combat encounter.
1 Week Cooldown
Navigate a delicate and complicated situation through use of Shatterpoint.
1 Week Cooldown
Prevent an ally's weakness from being exploited in a legitimate combat encounter through detecting their Shatterpoint.
1 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equal-tiered player character in a legitimate combat encounter through use of Shatterpoint.
1 Week Cooldown
Utterly shatter the Beskar Armour of a Mandalorian in a legitimate combat encounter using Shatterpoint.
1 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Defeat an opponent in the sub-tier above through use of Shatterpoints in a legitimate combat encounter.
5 Week Cooldown
Use Shatterpoint to win a legitimate combat encounter that you otherwise would have lost.
5 Week Cooldown
Use Shatterpoint to decisively win a wide-scale battle.
5 Week Cooldown
Defeat one of Shatter's characters using Shatterpoint in a legitimate combat encounter, or help them win a critical legitimate combat encounter through use of Shatterpoint.
5 Week Cooldown
Win a combat encounter against an equal-tiered player character in one action through use of Shatterpoint.
5 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
Develop an utterly unique Force Ability that utilises your ability to see Shatterpoints. This ability must actually be useful and make sense.
7 Week Cooldown
View a Shatterpoint that spreads so wide, it has galactic-level or higher scale.
7 Week Cooldown
Defeat the main villain of an arc using Shatterpoint.
7 Week Cooldown
Use Shatterpoint to defeat an equal-tiered or higher Void creature.
7 Week Cooldown
Defeat a Tier 0 using Shatterpoint in a legitimate combat encounter.
7 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Use Shatterpoint to defeat an equal-tiered or higher time/Thread-sensitive opponent.
10 Week Cooldown
Teach someone Forced Shatterpoint to the level of Proficient.
10 Week Cooldown
Use Shatterpoint to defeat a Hivemind character in a legitimate combat encounter.
10 Week Cooldown
Using Shatterpoint, defeat two player characters higher than yourself on the Tier List at the same time in a legitimate combat encounter.
10 Week Cooldown
Win a duel that has extreme consequences for the rest of RP through use of Shatterpoint.
10 Week Cooldown