Name: Sharwen Khlein'Riel

Rank: Member of the Red Corsairs

Tier: Low 2

Background: Sharwen Khlein’Riel was a Zeltron Darksider from Zeltros before becoming a Sith Acolyte. Noted for his aptitude with the force at a young age, he secretly received training to hone in on the gift he had been granted. However, his training wouldn’t truly begin until he was sent into a Sith academy to master the use of the force. Sharwen immediately picked up on the ways of the Sith, advancing among the ranks as one of their many assassins.

Upon turning eighteen, the Zeltron started to grow disillusioned with how the Sith he was with functioned and the lack of freedom to use his powers how he saw fit. Not long after having this realization, he ran away to do whatever he pleased. For close to a decade, Sharwen was free to abuse his powers however he could and jumped shipped by hitching a ride off of stolen ships, even after being transferred to the Universe of Prophecy alongside the Eternal Empire. His reign of terror would end once he encountered Boba Fett. The darksider, not realizing this wasn’t a fight he could win, foolishly took on the bounty hunter and was captured by him. Now he reluctantly works for the Red Corsairs in exchange for his freedom. Whether or not he lives up to their demands has yet to be seen. 

Speed: Low C

Abilities: Mastery in Deception, Dun Moch, Knife Combat, and Makashi. Highly Proficient in Street Hand-to-Hand Combat, Manipulation, Niman, Survival Skills, Mental Shielding, Espionage, Slicing, Juyo, and Saberstaffs. Proficient in Throwables, Blaster Pistols, Camouflage, Traps, Ground Vehicles, Vehicle Boarding, Ship Boarding, and Hunting/Tracking. Begun Training in Hidden Blade Combat. 

Notable Force Abilities: Mastery in Force Stealth and Telepathy. Highly Proficient in Cryokinesis, Standard Basic Dark Side Abilities, Force Lightning, and Force Cloak. Proficient in Farsight, Force Illusion, Force Crush, Force Disarm, and Force Slow. Skilled in Force Phase. 

Equipment: Saberstaff; F7 Blaster; Durasteel Knife; Mask

Weaknesses: Despite having left the Sith academy, Sharwen is a Sith by nature, through and through. He prefers to play with his food, taunting them for as long as humanly possible before displaying his own combat prowess. Thus, going all out from the start or playing extremely aggressively is likely to catch Sharwen off guard and if nothing else, emotionally put him off; especially if one is more skilled/stronger. Upon realising it is a fight he cannot win, the Zeltron will do whatever he physically can to escape as soon as possible, leaving easy openings for any combatant to exploit. Cryokinesis is Sharwen’s main offensive Force ability, and thus areas of high heat/flame are likely to place him at a complete disadvantage.