Name: Isla Atin

Rank: Mandalorian

Tier: High 3


Speed: Middle D Combat Speed

Abilities: Extreme Acrobatics. Mastery in Survival Skills and Hunting/Tracking. Highly Proficient in Spears and Archery. Proficient in Mental Shielding, Blaster Pistols, Deception, and Dagger Combat. Skilled in  Chemistry, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Blaster Rifles, Traps, Ketpacks, Slugthrowers, Improvised Sabre Combat, Ground Vehicles, Wrist Shields, and Mandalorian Hand-to-Hand Combat. 

Equipment: Black and Cyan Covert Operations Armour; 2 WESTAR-35; Polymer Bow; Striker Revolver; Two Durasteel Daggers; Durasteel and Beskar (15%) Spear

Weaknesses: Isla is not very proficient in modern weaponry compared to her contemporaries, and thus engaging her with blasters or other forms of modern weaponry is the way to go in order to gain an advantage. And while she is nimble on her feet, she lacks a certain degree of strength, and thus going for attempts to physically overpower her may prove prudent in a combat scenario. Isla is extremely protective of Havoc Atin, her significant other, and thus harming or targeting him will likely cause her to abandon most ideas of tactics and composure. Thus, doing so would give one an opening in combat that cannot be ignored.