Description is Key
A better description always pays off. If you say (I do X action and if they do Y, I do Z) as opposed to (I do X), you will be more likely to succeed.
There is a standard 15 second slow mode (which will be increased in busy channels), so take your time! Keep those eyes peeled, you don't want to miss an action someone takes against you.
Make sure you specify certain targets. If you shoot at a specific clone try to make sure to mention their name in your action, and ping the user with the @ function.
A player may have many weapons within their arsenal that they may use, however, one person using 3,000 thermal detonators is unlikely. Players may carry whatever they want with them but they must be able to explain their inventory if questioned. Typically this equipment must be included in the inventory on your character profile, standard or otherwise.
List of Abilities
A list of abilities that are within RP (non Force User based ones) can be found:
The system for determining the speed of your character, the speed of other characters, what your character can react to, as well as techniques that increase your character's speed can be found:
The system and rules for training your character, through what is known as the Milestone System.
The Point System
The system for the Point System, which you can use to increase your Speed and other things, can be found:
Old Training System
The system and rules for training your character through the old system (which still applies to Force Abilities without tasks), explanations on passive and active training, as well as the multipliers for active training can be found:
Death within RP comes in two forms:
Missing in Action
Missing in Action, which is most RP “deaths” and what happens when you go to the One with the Force chat during an event. No participation in RP for a period of time.
If they are explicitly captured, a mini-event based on the retrieval of said characters could be made by a DM.
Dead appears next to their name for a period of time.
Roles and the character are not lost, they are retained
Permanent Death
As of 08/01/2022, the permanent killing of characters is as such:
If a DM attempts to PK (perma-kill) you, it must always go through @StemmedAxis06 personally. They will check the situation for a long period, and make a decision if it is valid or not.
It won't be a single action that gets your character killed. For example, say some characters got nuked unexpectedly. This would NOT constitute a death, instead, it would have to be a sequence of deliberate stupid actions from the player that would constitute a PK.
PKs, for now, will only apply to players who have a profile. Though there will be exceptions, so don't think you get off scot free. NEW RP players will NOT be PK'd under any circumstances. There is a learning curve after all!
Let's say your character is surrounded, and is likely gonna die. Whoever is surrounding them will be FORCED to allow the player to surrender. If the player then chooses to still fight, that would likely result in a death.
Sometimes, a DM may warn you that a pursuit of an action may result in a PK. For example, if you try to fix an extremely broken and live electrical system without the proper proficiencies, the DM may say "Hey man, doing this may PK you? Do you still wanna proceed?". It is up to you to continue or not.
But the key is, repeated and stupid actions will result in a PK, and even then, @StemmedAxis06 will still personally assess the situation and make sure that the player's side is heard.
Owning Lore Characters
When RP’ing as a character from the Star Wars lore, it is important to remember that these characters already have backstories and personalities, and it is important to remain true to their core concepts, while also exploring them in a unique fashion. It is frowned upon to derail the character heavily from their lore personalities and motivations, unless it happens organically and through the course of RP, so keep this in mind.
Furthermore, as mentioned in the channel #Roleplay-101, which you should have read by now, there is a server wiki. It is a requirement to update the biography section of the lore character you play, unless you have been given an exception by RP Management. This is so if you give up the character, someone can easily take over.
Not fulfilling this commitment could see the character potentially taken away from you, if you continually ignore the warnings of RP Management.
Stacking is the act of transferring groups in order to attempt to stack multiple group abilities onto one another. This is not how RP works however.
Whatever you choose as your first group is the stats you are stuck with if you intend on keeping the character. If you join another group and want their abilities, you will need to train in them as if you would if you stayed in your original group. Furthermore, whichever group you join, you lose the perk of your old group and gain the perk of your new group!
Ability Countering
Some abilities can be countered directly by another, i.e. one ability is negated by equal or more skill in another! This will be discussed below.
With any ability countering, there is always some contextual leeway, but that is determined by the DM at the time.
Mental Shielding
Mental Shielding covers resistance to deception, manipulation, torture, combat assimilation, resistance to Force Users breaching people's minds, and things of this pedigree.
It is an important ability, as it is a metric to actually see if your character is able to resist another character's lie (as in, if a character has a higher deception than your character's mental shielding, they can most likely trick and lie to your character successfully). If it is at the same level, then it is based on the context and quality of the lie.
There are certain abilities which Mental Shielding counters, listed as followed:
Any Force Technique that attempts to breach one’s mind.
Feint Attacks
Dun Moch
Any contextual attack that involves tricking the opponent
Deception is the ability to lie to others, and to make others believe you lies. It can also be used within combat, for feinting and other sneak attacks.
It is also used to counter the Jedi's ability to sense an attack coming, by masking emotions and other such things by a deceptive veil. It counters the following abilities:
Pattern Recognition (must be actively using the Deception skill)
Combat Assimilation (must be actively using the Deception skill)
Any Force-based precognitive ability such as Farsight.
Espionage is the ability to forge documents, fake an identity, and sabotage systems. It is typically used by spies, and while deception can be used to make someone believe a lie, it is Espionage that makes them believe a convincing false identity.
It counters the following abilities:
Stealth Generators/Cloaking Devices
Some Force User Jargon
Some jargon for Force Users, with important details they may need to know, can be found:
Void Sickness
The intricacy of Void Sickness, going into detail about how one acquires it, and its effect
Hyperspace Times
Often this is done by your Group Dungeon Master, but here is a rundown on how to calculate it just in case!
(NOTE: This section is NOT necessary, as stated above, you can leave it to your GDM!)
When you want to travel anywhere with your character, you must take a ship through hyperspace! If you want to calculate your own hyperspace time, there is a guide below! However, if that proves too time consuming or difficult, you may ask your GDM to do it for you!
To calculate it:
Pick your start point and destination.
For example: My start point is Dubrillion, my destination is Telos IV
Select the path you want to take. This part you will probably need to consult your GDM if you are going long distances, as they know where blockades and other impassable obstacles are.
When making your path, make sure to specify it by the different hyperlanes you travel upon, this is important later. (Hint: hovering over the lane on will tell you its name)
For example: My route takes the Veragi Trade Route to Vinsoth, the Celanon Spur from Vinsoth to Botajef, and then the Hydian Way from Botajef to Telos IV.
The bonuses each Hyperlane yields are as follows:
Hydian Way - 0.3
Corellian Run - 0.4
Corellian Trade Spine - 0.4
Rimma Trade Route - 0.4
Perlemian Trade Route - 0.4
Triellus Trade Route - 0.45
Namadii Corridor - 0.5
Celanon Spur - 0.5
Salin Corridor - 0.55
Commenor Run - 0.6
Nanth'ri Route - 0.6
Cerean Reach - 0.7
Nothoiin Corridor - 0.7
Pabol Hutta - 0.7
Shipwrights Trace - 0.7
Veragi Trade Route - 0.7
Vaathkree Trade Corridor - 0.7
Great Gran Run - 0.7
Overic Griplink - 0.75
Ardan Cross - 0.75
Daragon Trail - 0.8
Nache Bhelfia - 0.8
Pabol Sleheyron - 0.8
Shaltin Tunnels - 0.8
Calculate how many grid squares on the map you travel through on each hyperlane. (Hint: Make sure that when looking at the map, the grid filter is on!)
For example: I approximate that I took 4 squares on the Veragi Trade Route, 1 Square on the Celanon Spur, and 3 Squares on the Hydian Way.
Use the following formula to determine the time spent on each lane:
Time = Number of squares * 10 hours/square * hyperlane modifier (as seen earlier)
For example:
Veragi Trade Route Time = 4 * 10 * 0.7 = 28 hours
Celanon Spur Time = 1 * 10 * 0.5 = 5 hours
Hydian Way Time = 3 * 10 * 0.3 = 9 hours
Add the component times together!
For example: 28 hours + 5 hours + 9 hours = 42 hours
All done!
Remember, you do not have to do this! You can always ask your Group Dungeon Master to do it for you, but the guide is here if you need it!