Name: HaVoK Kryze-Vizsla 

Rank: Vassal of the Coiled King

Tier: Low 0

Background: Being the son of a Kryze and a Vizsla, HaVoK was trained from a very young age to be a great warrior. When his mother discovered the young boy was force sensitive, HaVoK was given away and inducted into the order known as the Knight of Mandalore. Although he was a proud knight, he believed in the ideology of Clan Vizsla's Deathwatch, which was frowned upon within his order. During his time as a Knight, HaVoK did show slight dark side tendencies, though this would be discouraged and kept in check by his Master, Zander Vizsla and thus he would never give in these tendencies. Like most Mandalorians of his time, HaVoK disliked the Galactic Republic and Jedi for their constant interference in matters that did not concern them, as well as their bureaucratic ways. He always believed his order was the better of the two, but little did he know his order was just as flawed as the Jedi were, maybe even more so....

HaVoK was eventually left for dead by his fellow Knights during a mission that went sideways. He only barely managed to survive by tapping into the Darkside of the force, if only for a few minutes. After surviving this ordeal he took the name "HaVoK". Eventually, he found himself in the Bounty Hunter's Guild, quickly rising up their ranks and became the leader. In addition to this, he joined the CIS and worked his way up their ranks, becoming a part of the Separatist High Council. HaVoK eventually returned to Concordia and, using his newfound abilities and power, united and lead his parent's Mandalorian Clans, particularly Vizsla And Kryze, creating a new, far stronger Deathwatch. 

Despite all these accomplishments, HaVoK still felt he needed to do more and desired even more power. He eventually found Darth Maul, who taught him to hone in on his abilities and passions, training him personally. Upon Maul's advice HaVoK became one of Count Dooku's acolytes, cementing his place among the ranks of those who had fallen to the dark side. His main goal now is to bring his version of "order" to the galaxy and become as powerful as he possibly can...

Speed: Middle B

Abilities: Beyond Peak Human Strength and Superhuman Durability. Extreme Mastery in Juyo, Hunting/Tracking, and Jar’Kai. Mastery in Mando Hand-to-Hand Combat, Void Lightning, Saberstaffs, Niman, Jetpacks, Deception, Blaster Rifles, Shii-Cho, Form V, Tràkata, Soresu,  Blaster Pistols, Shotguns, Slugthrowers, Sniper Rifles, Ataru, and Throwables. Highly Proficient in Espionage, Mental Shielding, Makashi, Dun Möch, Ground Vehicles, Wrist Shields, Mech. Mind, and Survival Skills. Proficient in Manipulation, Crafting, and Weapon Instinct. 

Notable Force Abilities: The Mastery of Force Body and Force Drain. Extreme Mastery in Force Destruction and Mechu Deru. Mastery in Fiery Energy, Farsight, Deadly Sight, Breath Control, Force Scream, Force Wave, Kinetite, Necromancy, Force Stealth, Force Weapon, Vader’s Force Lightning Variant, Force Speed, Pyrokinesis, Dominate Mind, and Force Flight. Highly Proficient in Force Illusion, Saber Throw, and Force Healing. Proficient in Force Stasis, Tutaminis, Ionise, Heart Stun, Alter Environment, Dark Contemplation, and Force Crush. 

Equipment: HaVoK’s Dual-Interlockable Crimson Bladed Lightsabers, Spare Dual Crimson Bladed Lightsabers, HaVoK's EMP-Hardened Beskar Cybernetic Limbs, HaVoK's Aloriya Vizsla Beskar Armour; HaVoK's Beskar Vambraces; Communication Plushie

Weaknesses: HaVoK is more competent up close, able to press with techniques and esoteric abilities that could be described as a “one-shot build”. As such, one should focus on engaging him with distance while wearing him down, or aiming for moves that initially have the intent to either outright destroy him or disable him. Alternatively, if engaging him in a close-quarters encounter, a recommended strategy is to press a continuous aggressive attack, in order to keep the flow of combat and prevent HaVoK from using his abilities. HaVoK’s limbs are cybernetic, and while they are extremely resistant to forms of disabling them thanks to IG-9000, it should be noted extremely powerful EMP-based attacks could do the trick and render his limbs useless.