Name: Unifier

Rank: Knight of Life

Tier: Low 2

Background: Uni also known as "Unifier" is a fraction of the soul of a warrior known as the knight, after the knight was killed by Ashrani he took his soul and separated it into 5 pieces and put each one into a set of armour, bringing them to life as his servants. Uni serves as one of Ashrani's commanders and as of know protects one of the gatehouses that one may use to enter the mega city on Korriban

The Unifier was granted by Ashrani the ability to manipulate matter in order to create life and nature, representing his goal of bringing all things together under the rule of his master and destroy whoever stands in his way, the 2 being his only goals in life.

The Unifier has come a long way from being a bully to those he sees worse then him and wanting to Unify all by force to becoming more humble and understanding of other people's emotions, the child in his mind somewhat helping him to do so, he acknowledges most people with respect and does not rush into combat without thinking.

Uni's current goal of uniting everything under Ashrani's banner somewhat depends on his ability to manipulate life, in order to master it he must come to understand the meaning of life itself, what it means to live and... to be. 

Speed: Low C

Abilities: Type 1, 7, and 8 Immortality. Beyond Peak Human Strength. Superhuman Durability. Mastery in Improvised Sabre Combat, Dun Moch, and Throwables. Highly Proficient in Manipulation, Deception, Throwing Knives, and Knife Combat. Proficient in Mental Shielding and Improvised Hand-to-Hand Combat.

Notable Force Abilities: Proficient in Enhance Attribute and Life Conversion. Skilled in Universal Force User Abilities.

Equipment: Poisonous Argi Sword; 6 Argi Throwing Knives; Argi Knife; Argi

Weaknesses: The Life Conversion ability, while powerful in its ability to convert non-living matter into plant-based life, is heavily limited by Uni’s concentration. To break concentration on the technique is to break the technique itself, as the conversion field holding the matter in place will fall away and it will reform back into its original matter form. The technique is also extremely draining in a square-law relationship, meaning the more matter Uni converts will exponentially increase the energy drain. Uni has no proficiency with long range techniques, especially since the Life Conversion technique has to originate from Uni’s position (meaning to reach an opponent at a distance would have to have the matter between them and Uni converted before matter near them can be affected by the technique), and as such, long-range engagement is recommended. Uni’s goal is to serve Ashrani to the utmost degree, and thus a skilled manipulator can control him easily through this desire. If Uni’s connection to Ashrani is broken, this will kill him as it would the other knights.