Name: BX-9958
Rank: 501st Member
Tier: High 4
Background: Reprogrammed for the 501st Strike Corps, BX-9958-615127 was one of many Commando Droids originally manufactured for the Confederacy of Independent Systems to wage war against the Grand Army of the Republic. Programmed for infiltration, combat, and assassinations, his body features reinforced armor, unlike the B1 Battle Droids, enabling him to withstand numerous shots before being eliminated. Like all Commando Droids, he is highly agile.
During a mission undertaken by the 501st, BX-9958 and a small squad of captured Commando Droids were reprogrammed. However, by the end of the mission, only BX-9958 remained operational and was taken aboard the Stalwart to serve a new purpose: aiding the Republic.
Despite the change in loyalty, BX-9958 retained his original skill set, though he was reprogrammed to use some standard Republic weapons due to the limited availability of E-5 blasters within the GAR. Now aligned with the Republic, BX-9958 operates independently, as he is no longer connected to the droid command structure. As a result, he cannot be controlled by standard droid orders and instead defaults to following the commands of personnel within GAR ranks.
Speed: High G Combat Speed
Abilities: Mastery in Espionage and Deception. Highly Proficient in Programmed Hand-to-Hand, Camouflage, Slicing, and Programmed Sabre Combat. Proficient in Hunting/Tracking, Blaster Pistols, Blaster Rifles, Throwables, and Sniper Rifles. Skilled in Rocket Launchers and Energy Shields.
Equipment: Highly Proficient with E-5 Blaster Rifle; Vibrosword; Small Belt with: 2 Thermal Detonators and 2 Smoke Grenades; Magnetised Feet.
Weaknesses: 9958 is limited by their programming, though not as much as their other droid counterparts. He, however, will always favour the stealth and infiltration option, thus making them limited in a head-on independent combat scenario. Disarming 9958 will render him useless for a brief time as he has to recalculate his options. 9958 will shut down when his battery runs out or he is hit by an EMP. Despite being able to withstand several hits by blasters, a headshot or lightsaber will instantly destroy them. Despite being able to disguise themself, their awkward movements in the armour and atypical responses to orders (usually "roger, roger," a common battle-droid response) means that observant individuals could see through the ruse
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