Name: Relastas Tarne

Rank: Sith Acolyte

Tier: Middle 2

Background: Relastas Tarne was a male Human Sith of the Eternal Sith Empire. Despite being a Sith, Tarne had little ambition, a trait which worked against him in progressing through the ranks of the Sith. However, he held a deep respect for strength and those who possessed it. Having been stationed on a minor garrison world, Tarne would pledge himself to follow Darth Iudicium after Valkorion’s death, holding great respect for the the Sangheili’s strength.

Speed: Middle C

Abilities: Extreme Mastery in Mental Shielding. Mastery in Deception, Improvised Hand-to-Hand, and Niman. Highly Proficient in Juyo, Zakuul Hand-to-Hand, Survival Skills, and Dun Moch. Proficient in Pattern Recognition.

Notable Force Abilities: Extreme Mastery in Sith Sorcery. Mastery in Force Lightning, Force Burst, and Standard Basic Dark Side Abilities. Highly Proficient in Farsight, Force Stealth, and Force Healing. Proficient in Lightning Grenade and Force Replication. Begun Training in Shadow Sorcery.

Equipment: Sith Lightsaber; Sorcerer's Gloves; Sith Acolyte Armoured Robes; Spellbook

Weaknesses: Relastas lacks ambition in most regards, which extends to combat more often than not. Usually, the man will only fight as well as he can if his life is in danger, and thus going all-out quickly to land a killing blow before he can get into second gear would be a recommendation. Relastas also prefers mid and long range scenarios, and will always shift in a combat encounter to reach this optimal position. As such, staying on the aggressive front and remaining close is another recommendation.