Name: Mandalorian Shock Trooper
Rank: Mandalorian
Tier: Middle 3
Background: The Mandalorian Shock Trooper was a variant commonly found among the ranks of the Mandalorian Clans after the Mandalorian Wars, with the steady decline of Drop Troopers due to the forced dismantling of their Basilisk War Droids. These units would dominate already ravaged worlds with their ability to shut down entire areas with their weapons.
Interestingly enough, the Mandalorian Shock Trooper was the most common unit to be found in Mandalorian armies prior to the Mandalorian Civil War, with their methods of warfare swiftly redefined with the advent of the Mandalorian Supercommando Armour. This was due in part because of the True Mandalorians' defeat from the Shock Trooper’s immobility when combating nimble opponents such as Jedi.
Thus, the Battle of Galidraan caused heavy reconsideration of tactics, and made the Supercommando Armour the new standard, amongst other reasons such as for stealth and allowing for more armour to be produced.
Now, the Shock Trooper plays a much less pivotal role in any Clan Military, though it is still often seen, largely in part due to their effectiveness in combating the increasingly common Drop Troopers.
Speed: -2 levels to Combat Speed
+3 to Blaster Cannons
+1 to Blaster Rifles
+1 to Mandalorian Hand-To-Hand
-1 to Jetpacks
-1 to Sniper Rifles
Perk: Knuckle Down
The Mandalorian Shock Trooper can knuckle down for one action and not be physically moved by any individual, even a Tier 0.
Equipment: Highly Proficient in Flamethrowers and Wrist Rocket Launchers; Heavy Mandalorian Beskar Armour; BlasTech M-55 Medium Repeating Blaster/SHUKUR-05 Light Repeater; WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol; Heavy Jetpack; Utility Belt & Pouches with: Medical Supplies, Power Packs, Ration Capsules, and 3 V-1 Thermal Detonators.
Weaknesses: Cocky and arrogant fighters. Easily led into a trap where they believe they can succeed in a fight. Always try to best the strongest opponent around.
Shock Troopers wear thick armour and carry heavy weapons, thus even more so than your average Mandalorian, they will opt to endure attacks rather than dodge them. Should one possess superior physical strength or Hand-to-Hand prowess, they will likely be able to manhandle the Shock Trooper in close quarters. Though many still wear Jetpacks, the Shock Trooper’s lack of agility caused by their heavy armour and large weapons will limit their effectiveness in tight, indoors combat scenarios.