Name: Junn Zerliss
Rank: Sith Apprentice
Tier: High 2
Background: Junn Zerliss was born to the Nightsister witches of Dathomir and showed a keen interest in Mother Tal’zin's teachings from a young age. Captivated by magic and the Force, she sought to master them fully, earning the pride of her family. Although her ambition extended beyond the realm of traditional Nightsister teachings, leading her to ancient Sith journals obtained during a hunting expedition. Combining this knowledge with her training as a witch, hunter, and assassin, she embarked on a journey off-world after overhearing a conversation between Mother Tal’zin and Sith Lords Darth Malgus, Darth Malak, and HaVoK.
She decided to follow HaVoK because of his outstanding reputation within the Nightsister coven. She avoided Darth Malgus due to a sense of unease she felt about him, and opted not to follow Darth Malak because her fellow Nightsister Stefania was already associated with him.
Junn sought a new mentor who could offer her what her books could not. She had one in mind the renowned Emperor Vitiate, a Sith lord whom she admired greatly and was one of the most powerful Sith in all of history. Tailing HaVoK to Zakuul, she managed to raid the Sith archive there but due to the chaos she was never able to meet the Emperor before his death and as a result she continued to follow HaVoK with the intention of furthering her knowledge of the dark side.
Eventually, she followed him to his grand estate on Mandalore, where she aimed to persuade him to take her on as an apprentice. Upon facing HaVoK, Junn felt a mix of fear and determination. Each step toward him magnified his intimidating presence. As their lightsabers clashed, she realized her speed was no match for his superior skill and strength. Her spells took too long to cast and her prowess with the force felt inadequate against his. The dark halls of his home became a surreal battlefield, illuminated solely by their lightsabers with the sudden flash of light as their sabers met. With each parry and strike, HaVoK's power and fury grew stronger.
Junn's slowly began to falter from the relentless assault, and she struggled to keep up. Despite her determination, she was pushed back with nowhere left to go. Desperation set in, but Junn refused to give up as it was her only chance to prove herself and to remain in the land of the living. However, it became clear she was outmatched. Finally, cornered and exhausted, she explained her intentions, expecting anger from him and a quick death. But to her astonishment, HaVoK spared her and agreed to train her. Relief and pride filled Junn as she bowed in respect, realizing she had found her master. This marked the end of her time as a mere acolyte and the beginning of her true journey as a Sith.
Her first significant task was to construct a proper Sith lightsaber, following the destruction of her previous saber by HaVoK, with the implicit warning that failure would mean death. This moment signified the end of her time as a mere acolyte and the start of her journey as a true Sith, akin to the master she had chosen.
Speed: High C
Abilities: Extreme Acrobatics. Mastery in Improvised Sabre Combat, Improvised Hand-to-Hand Combat, Archery, Hunting/Tracking, Dagger Combat, and Espionage. Highly Proficient in Trakata, Deception, Manipulation, Throwables, and Mental Shielding. Proficient in Juyo and Shii-Cho.
Notable Force Abilities: Extreme Mastery in Force Phase. Mastery in Nightsister Illusions, Force Stealth, Nightsister Magick, and Nightsister Cloaking. Highly Proficient in Nightsister Sorcery, Nightsister Healing, and Nightsister Alchemy. Proficient in Nightsister Enhancement.
Balance = Neutral Fallen. Midichlorian Count = 14,978.
Equipment: Junn's Shoto Lightsaber, Nightsister Bow, Throwing Knives/Daggers, Light Armoured Robes, and "The John Box"
Weaknesses: Junn relies heavily on her speed, acrobatic capabilities, and unorthodox improvised styles of combat, given her lack of experience in more traditional forms of fighting. As such, one should submit to a defensive or AOE approach, removing the advantages she gains from quick movements. Junn’s spells take a while to cast, and one should capitalise on this fact in a combat scenario. As such, a highly aggressive approach in a confined space should limit most of her options in an encounter. Junn’s heart holds a great deal of uncertainty, especially with matters such as bleeding her kyber crystal, and one can mentally exploit her quite easily over such matters; though the boomerang effect should be kept in mind. Finally, the John Box should be removed from her possession in any combat encounter should the highest probability of success want to be achieved.
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