Name: Stefania

Rank: The Chosen of the Nightsister Clan

Tier: Low 2

Background: It was not long ago that amidst the chaos of the galaxy since Jango Fett, that the Nightsister Clan were given a gift. A gift in the form of a six-year-old girl, one that had greater potential in the Force than anything the Nightsister Clan had been granted before.

The girl, named Stefania by the clan, was quickly taken under the wing of Mother Tal'zin to lead the group as their own version of the "Chosen One". And while the girl took to magick easier than anything the group had ever seen, this was not due to her efforts. Rebellious and fickle, Stef had no interest in leading the clan and wished to leave Dathomir as soon as possible. This battle of will between her and Tal'zin would continue for years, until the girl grasped her opportunity with the arrival of Malak, Malgus, and HaVoK.

And while her initial request to leave was denied by Tal'zin, the Nightmother's own maternal feelings as well as the thought that denying Stef her desires would only push her even further from the clan, Stef was granted leave with the three Sith. She would assist in their breach onto Korriban, before accompanying Malak on his training journey. 

The girl and the Sith would grow close on Beren Gur IV, developing a stronger bond. Eventually, Stef would travel to the capital as part of a gift, in which she would attend a concert that was occurring at the time. Near instantly, Stef would fall in love with music, and seeing the diversity in the crowd, wanted nothing more than to one day play in front of the entire galaxy. 

Since that incident, Stef's obsession with music has made her incorporate it into every aspect of her life, even her magicks; and she would continue to use the medium to express the eternal fight between the duty to the Nightsister Clan and her own passion. 

Speed: Middle F

Abilities: Mastery in Hunting/Tracking and Chemistry. Highly Proficient in Survival Skills, Shii-Cho, and Deception. Proficient in Archery, Soresu, Sith Sword Combat, Street Hand-to-Hand Combat, Animal Handling,  Improvised Hand-to-Hand Combat, Spears, and Mental Shielding. Skilled in Espionage and Throwables. 

Notable Force Abilities: Extreme Mastery of Nightsister Magick, Nightsister Sorcery, Nightsister Object Creation, Nightsister Cloaking, Nightsister Illusions, Nightsister Lightning, and Nightsister Mind Control. Mastery in Nightsister Alchemy, Nightsister Conjuration Blade, Nightsister Healing, Nightsister Teleportation, and Nightsister Shield. Highly Proficient in the Nightsister Enhancement, Nightsister Voodoo, The Musical Medium (Custom), Force Whirlwind, Force Stealth, Farsight, and Dark Healing. Proficient in the Chant of Resurrection. Skilled in Nightsister Door Technique (Custom). Begun Training in The World of Music

Equipment: Stef’s Electric Guitar; Stef’s Microphone; Stef’s Amp; Stef’s Lightsaber; Stef’s Energy Bow

Weaknesses: Stef is a child, a very rebellious nine-year-old at that. And while she is the greatest prodigy the Nightsister clan has ever seen, she is fickle and often doesn’t focus on critical thinking on her combat. As such, while her power is off the charts and refined, she often doesn’t apply it in a manner with the most forethought. This lack of experience can be punished as long as one can survive her actual physical output. She also doesn’t know the true limits of her power, and should be eliminated before she pushes herself to a point of discovery. Given Stef is a child, she will lose most physical confrontations and one should attempt to engage her in this manner if possible. Stef, being extremely rebellious, can be manipulated through her need to be independent and contrarian, and it is her greatest personality flaw. Stef adores music and will often incorporate it as much as possible, which isn’t the most direct or efficient way of fighting/using her Magick, and thus she should be engaged quickly and directly before she is forced to fall back on more convenient ways of using her magicks. The Musical Medium, while unimaginably powerful, has weaknesses that if discovered, can greatly reduce its ability to tangibly act. Stef should be dealt with as quickly as possible, as she cannot be relied upon to run out of stamina given her unimaginable connection to the Spirit Realm. Now she has experienced the world around her, Stef desperately wants to escape the Nightsister Clan and become a galactic-famous musician, and one can easily manipulate her over this desire. Stef is also extremely passionate, and still cares for her family in the Nightsister Clan as well as Malak, and to an extent, Malgus and HaVoK. If pushed to protect one of these individuals, she may become much more manipulatable, though dangerous. 

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