Begun Training to Skilled
Stab an opponent with a Saberpike.
1 Day Cooldown
Performing a sweeping attack that catches three separate training dummies without messing up in any way
1 Day Cooldown
Fail to get the blade part of your Saberpike up in time, and watch as it is split in two in a combat encounter.
1 Day Cooldown
Have your Saberstaff get caught in a grip after missing a thrust, before the staff end is broken in two.
1 Day Cooldown
Be struck by an attack after leaving yourself open during an attempt to do a swing with your Saberpike.
1 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Defeat an opponent with a full spear thrust using your Saberpike.
4 Day Cooldown
Defeat an enemy by tripping them up with the stick end of your Saberpike.
4 Day Cooldown
Use a massive sweeping strike to either force an opponent on the backfoot, or defeat them.
4 Day Cooldown
Stab an opponent after closing the distance, having feinted a rapid closing of the distance and forcing them to step back.
4 Day Cooldown
Defeat an opponent with a Shield by aiming for their face. They will either cover their face and reduce visibility, or get stabbed.
4 Day Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Successfully flourish your Saberpike before striking your opponent in a legitimate combat encounter.
1 Week Cooldown
Push the extended blocking blade of an opponent lightly to the side, before dashing in and stabbing their face in a legitimate combat encounter.
1 Week Cooldown
Successfully convince a Force User that Saberpikes are the better option for Lightsaber combat. Doubles as a Manipulation feat.
1 Week Cooldown
Flourish your blade in a forward movement, preventing the equal-tiered opponent from blocking properly before stabbing them.
1 Week Cooldown
Combine a Saberpike with a Shield and defeat an opponent in a legitimate combat encounter, not taking a single hit thanks to the shield. Doubles as task usage and a feat for Shield Combat.
1 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Defeat an equal-tiered opponent in a legitimate combat encounter, doing nothing but stabs throughout the fight.
4 Week Cooldown
Teach someone in Saberpikes to the level of Skilled.
4 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equally skilled Jar'Kai user in a legitimate combat encounter using a Saberpike.
4 Week Cooldown
Use a Saberpike in conjunction with a regular blade to win a combat encounter against an opponent, with speed not being the predominant factor why you win.
4 Week Cooldown
Defeat another equal-tiered opponent who is equally skilled with Saberpikes in a legitimate combat encounter.
4 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
Defeat an equal-tiered opponent in a legitimate combat encounter, using only the handle of your saberpike with the blade disabled.
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent outside your Keep-Up in a legitimate combat encounter, using a Saberpike.
6 Week Cooldown
Trick your equal-tiered opponent into thinking your Saberpike is a staff, fighting them as if it was in the legitimate combat encounter; before activing your Saberpike at the last second to defeat them. Doubles as a Deception feat.
6 Week Cooldown
Hold back a hoard of enemies alone using nothing but a Saberpike.
6 Week Cooldown
Successfully dual-wield Saberpikes in a legitimate combat encounter against an equal-tiered opponent, and win.
6 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Use a Saberpike to win a duel in an extremely cramped and limited area against an equal-tiered opponent in a legitimate combat encounter.
10 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equally skilled Saberstaff user in a legitimate combat encounter using your Saberpike.
10 Week Cooldown
Defeat a player character with greater mastery of the Force than your own with a Saberpike in a legitimate combat encounter.
10 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent who has The Mastery or higher in Soresu in a legitimate combat encounter, using a Saberpike.
10 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equally tiered opponent in a legitimate combat encounter using your Saberpike in a reverse grip.
10 Week Cooldown