Rakatan Force Saber Combat
Begun Training to Skilled
Actually acquire a Force Saber.
1 Day Cooldown
Lose control of your Force Saber, getting heavily wounded in the process.
1 Day Cooldown
Try to disengage from a singular opponent to defend against another, and fail to do so in time, getting punished for the mistake.
1 Day Cooldown
Celebrate your victory after defeating an equal-tiered opponent, player or NPC, having done so with a Force Saber.
1 Day Cooldown
Lose your cool in a fight, and use that rush of emotion to defeat your opponent. Dark Siders and Light Siders should take different lessons from this.
1 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Use your emotion in a legitimate combat encounter to perform an unpredictable move, your emotions having directed you without much conscious thought.
4 Day Cooldown
Defeat an opponent who uses Improvised Sabre Combat with Rakatan Force Saber Combat.
4 Day Cooldown
Manipulate a wide-spread combat scenario so that you only partake in 1v1s the entire time.
4 Day Cooldown
Use Rakatan Force Saber Combat to win a 1v1 against an opponent in a higher sub tier.
4 Day Cooldown
Outmanoeuvre someone with a form of Precognition using Rakatan Force Saber Combat.
4 Day Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Investigate and explore the ruins of a planet that was dominated by the Rakata.
1 Week Cooldown
Defeat a predictive droid using Rakatan Force Saber Combat in a legitimate combat scenario.
1 Week Cooldown
Visit the Chiss or Chikaar and analyse their records of the Rakatan Force Saber.
1 Week Cooldown
Manage to break away from one opponent to another without getting hit by either.
1 Week Cooldown
Kill an opponent who relies on Mastery or higher in Farsight using Rakatan Force Saber Combat.
1 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Defeat someone of equal tier in a legitimate combat encounter who is Highly Proficient in Battle Precognition or Pseudo Precognition, defeating them with Rakatan Force Saber Combat.
4 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equally skilled user of Rakatan Force Saber Combat in a legitimate combat encounter.
4 Week Cooldown
Teach someone in Rakatan Force Saber Combat to the level of Skilled.
4 Week Cooldown
Be so unreasonably aggressive that an opponents attempt at defending would in no capacity ever stand a chance. Kill them.
4 Week Cooldown
Defeat an equal-tiered opponent who has a lightsaber form at mastery or higher, using only Rakatan Forcesaber Combat, in a legitimate combat encounter.
4 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
Defeat an equal-tiered practicioner of Ataru, Juyo, or Vaapad in a legitimate combat encounter
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent with Extreme Mastery or higher in Jar'Kai using Rakatan Force Sabre Combat.
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat an opponent with a teleportation ability at Extreme Mastery or higher in a legitimate combat scenario.
6 Week Cooldown
Defeat an individual with Advanced Farsight using Rakatan Force Saber Combat.
6 Week Cooldown
Use Rakatan Force Saber Combat to defeat a player character in a higher tier in a legitimate combat scenario.
6 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Find a way to channel a non-aggressive emotion into the Force Saber.
10 Week Cooldown
Defeat a true instinctual opponent of equal skill, like one who uses Chiss Sabre Combat, using Rakatan Force Saber Combat.
10 Week Cooldown
Use a Rakatan Force Saber to defeat a Jedi and Sith at minimum the same tier as you in a legitimate combat encounter, at the same time.
10 Week Cooldown
Go visit the Rakatans and do a little trolling.
10 Week Cooldown
Fight up to three equal-tiered foes using Rakatan Sabre Combat in a legitimate combat encounter, now finally able to remove the weakness of being unable to tear away from one opponent.
10 Week Cooldown