Air Walking
Begun Training to Skilled
Run. Do not stop running for a minimum of three days.
3 Day Cooldown
Kick a boulder repeatedly. Do not stop until the boulder breaks or your leg does. Continue until you eventually break the boulder.
3 Day Cooldown
Use nothing but acrobatics to defeat an equal-tiered player character in a legitimate combat encounter.
3 Day Cooldown
Tread water for more than 2 days straight.
3 Day Cooldown
Visit the Vale Tree and meditate under it; then, double-jump for the first time.
3 Day Cooldown
Skilled to Proficient
Use Air Walking to break your fall right before you hit the ground on a fall that would have otherwise killed you.
6 Day Cooldown
Use the pressure from your Air Walk to send a force into an enemy's face in a legitimate combat encounter.
6 Day Cooldown
Suplex someone attached to your back using Air Walking, causing them to let go due to hitting the ground at tremendous speed.
6 Day Cooldown
Kick a steel block repeatedly. Do not stop until the steel dents or your leg does. Continue until you eventually dent the steel.
6 Day Cooldown
Use Air Walking 4-5 times to reach a height you would not been able to reach via jumping.
6 Day Cooldown
Proficient to Highly Proficient
Escape a place you would have otherwise died from using Air Walking.
2 Week Cooldown
Use Air Walking to catch up to someone who has a greater movement speed than yourself.
2 Week Cooldown
Show off unnecessarily using Air Walking.
2 Week Cooldown
Use Air Walking to land an enhanced kick or attack on a equal-tiered opponent, player or NPC, in a legitimate combat scenario
2 Week Cooldown
Air Walk continuously for an hour. Do so to escape something that terrifies you more than anything, a true flight or fight response.
2 Week Cooldown
Highly Proficient to Mastery
Use Air Walking to enhance your speed underwater.
5 Week Cooldown
Use Air Walking to catch up to and board a ship that a fleeing enemy managed to escape on.
5 Week Cooldown
Use Air Walking continuously while only doing so with one leg, in a legitimate combat scenario.
5 Week Cooldown
School someone with equal or higher skill in Jetpacks with Air Walking in a legitimate combat scenario.
5 Week Cooldown
Use Air Walking to perfectly speed up your attacks in bursts in a legitimate combat encounter against an equal-tiered opponent, without disrupting the flow of your combat at all.
5 Week Cooldown
Mastery to Extreme Mastery
School someone with equal or higher skill in a Flight power with Air Walking in a legitimate combat scenario.
8 Week Cooldown
Fight a wide-spread battle using only Air Walking, leading an aerial unit and winning air superiority.
8 Week Cooldown
Teach someone in Air Walking to the level of Skilled.
8 Week Cooldown
Combine Air Walking with another Hand-to-Hand Combat style.
8 Week Cooldown
Defeat a squadron of extremely well trained pilots, doing so being assisted by Air Walking, in a legitimate combat scenario.
8 Week Cooldown
Extreme Mastery to The Mastery
Outmanoeuvre a Tier 0 using Air Walking.
12 Week Cooldown
Reach the limits of the atmosphere using Air Walking.
12 Week Cooldown
On an enemy planet, escape the full-force attack of the fleet above using Air Walking (bombardment, complement deployment, etc), reaching a place of safety.
12 Week Cooldown
Style on a higher tier opponent using Air Walking in a legitimate combat scenario.
12 Week Cooldown
Learn the truth and science of Air Walking.
12 Week Cooldown