Name: Pascal

Rank: Sith Warlord

Tier: Low 1


Speed: Low B

Abilities: Superhuman Strength and Durability. Extreme Acrobatics. Extreme Mastery in Slicing, Crafting, and Mechanical Mind. Mastery in Chemistry, Treatment & Aid, Juyo, Zakuul Hand-to-Hand Combat, and Projectors. Highly Proficient in Energy Shields, Pattern Recognition, Explosives, and Mental Shielding. Proficient in all Blaster Weapons (AIM Assistance Programme reliant), Manipulation, and Environmental Conditioning. 

Notable Force Abilities: Extreme Mastery in Mechu Deru. Mastery in Standard Pre-Banite Sith Lord Abilities. 

Equipment: EMP Hardened Cybernetic Body with: Built-In Energy Shield, Weak Expansive Repulsor Projector, Mounted Blaster Rifles within Forearm, Shoulder Micro-Rockets, Gas Dispenser, Wrist Grappling Hook (Proficient), Forearm-mounted Flamethrower, Wrist-mounted Vibroblade Launcher, AIM Assistance Programme, and Head Sensors; 2 Flashbangs; 2 Thermal Detonators; Lightsaber; YV-24 Starforged Blaster Rifle; Repair Kit. 

Weaknesses: Pascal’s joints are relatively weak and should be the primary point to aim for, given they are more susceptible to great physical and energetic forces. Pascal also prefers to show off his gadgets and technology in combat, making him rely less on his actual skills, something that can be exploited by a mindful and prepared opponent. Pascal himself has a hidden god complex and saviour complex, and will be more inclined to see an individual who is a droid as in “need of a saviour”, something that can lower his guard. While he is augmented heavily, he can still fall back on his Dark Side tendencies, being reckless and exploitable in combat. If the AIM Assistance Programme is disabled, Pascal will lose his skill in blaster weaponry, making it easier to deal with him at range. Given Pascal’s cybernetic nature, he is unable to use Force abilities that require the Force to be projected in a physical way, i.e. Force Lightning, etc. He is also unable to use Force Augmentation, such as Force Rage/Force Valour. 

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