Name: Mandalorian Grenadier

Rank: Mandalorian

Tier: Middle 3

Background: The Mandalorian Grenadier is a relatively recent addition to the ranks of the Mandalorians, having been largely adopted and folded into the ranks of most Clan's Militaries shortly after the New Sith Wars and the passing of Tarre Vizsla.

When Clan Vizsla raided the Jedi Temple to reclaim the Darksaber, warfare ensued on Mandalore, as the Clans refused to allow Vizsla to permanently seat themselves as the Rulers of Mandalore after riding Mand'alor the Divine's coattails. with the advancements in technology at the time and common usage of the Shock Trooper, most small arms fire proved ineffective against the armour of the time, prompting Clan Saxon to widely adopt grenade launchers into their ranks to deal enough concussive force to kill the wearers of the armour through their protection.

Though this proved effective and was adopted on a wider scale, the Grenadier was not very effective at dealing with airborne opponents, causing many Shock Troopers of the time to wear Jetpacks. Grenadiers remain important, though their role has been diminished since. Now, they largely see usage to cause large amounts of damage and break through enemy fortifications, or in Anti-Armour positions.

Speed: -1 level to Combat Speed



This effect can only be used once per combat encounter/event. 

Equipment: Highly Proficient in Wrist Rocket Launchers; Proficient in Flamethrowers and Mortar; Relby-V10 Micro-grenade Launcher; WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol; Mandalorian Beskar Armour; Z-6 Jetpack; Utility Belt & Pouches with: Medical Supplies, Power Packs, Ration Capsules, 2 Class-A Thermal Detonators, and 4 V-1 Thermal Detonators. 

Weaknesses: Cocky and arrogant fighters. Easily led into a trap where they believe they can succeed in a fight. Always try to best the strongest opponent around. 

Mandalorian Grenadiers excel at mid-to-long range, decimating opponents with their launchers and other explosives. However, given grenades must explode and are slower in the air, combatants will be allowed more time to dodge attacks. Furthermore, their most viable long range weapons are rockets or mortars, which require some set-up. Thus, engaging at close range, where they are unable to use their explosives without the possibility of catching themselves in the crossfire, will prove to be a most effective strategy.