Name: The Hero of Begeren

Rank: Sith Warlord

Tier: High 1

Background: [TO BE EXPANDED]

Speed: High C

Abilities: The Mastery in Manipulation. Extreme Mastery in Juyo and Dun Moch. Mastery in Jar’kai and Deception. Highly Proficient in Mental Shielding and Improvised Hand-to-Hand. Proficient in Soresu. Skilled in Zakuul Hand-to-Hand and Survival Skills.

Notable Force Abilities: The Master of Force Resistance. The Mastery in Force Illusion, Dominate Mind, and Force Energy. Extreme Mastery in Teleportation. Mastery in Drain Knowledge and Force Valour. Highly Proficient in Force Barrier. Proficient in Force Crush.

Equipment: 2 Sith Lightsabers; HoB’s Cloak; HoB’s Clothes

Weaknesses: The Hero of Begeren is extremely arrogant, often throwing himself into danger and bad situations on the basis that he naturally assumes he will succeed and survive. Overconfident and prideful, though this mainly only extends to combat itself, one can easily set a trap for the man or manoeuvre their objective around him through exploiting said combat arrogance. His god complex is pronounced, his self-worth overstated in his own mind heavily. And while this does not affect his competency in combat at all, with the combat weakness being his arrogance, his god complex/self-worth does affect his overall thought process. This can be approached in a particular way, such as doing something to massively counter said thought process and then getting the jump on him as his emotions take hold. The Hero of Begeren prefers to use the Force in combat, disliking the idea of sullying himself with lightsaber combat; and this approach should be exploited where possible.